The last day to order a yearbook online is March 18. Note the attached graphic for website and code information.
We hope to see you at the 5th Grade's presentation of Annie on Thursday, March 7th at 5:30.
State testing is coming up in May. Please go ahead and mark these dates in your calendar. Testing is mandatory for all students.
Please note information for our Read Across America 2024 celebrations. Let us know if you have any questions!
Please consider purchasing an MGE 23/24 yearbook. Please note the code on the attached image. Questions? Just give us a call.
Please note the following information provided from the LCSD Multilingual Parent Advocate Office regarding SC Legal Services.
It's time to register for 2024/2025 PK at MGE! Please note the attached flyers in both English and Spanish. Call the school if you have questions. We look forward to working with you and your families.
Due to the threat of inclement weather, Lancaster County School District has designated Tuesday, January 9, 2024, as an E-Learning Day for all schools and offices. There will not be any afterschool activities on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Again, Tuesday, January 9, 2024, will be an E-Learning Day for all employees and students. This is over safety concerns of the potential for severe weather in our area. Based on weather guidance, we could experience heavy rainfall, flash flooding, damaging winds, and the possibility of tornadoes. The latest weather predictions show parts of our county getting winds of up to 30 mph with wind gusts exceeding 40 mph. If this comes to fruition, we will face dangers operating school buses and in transportation in general. We will continue to monitor the weather and take any necessary safety precautions as warranted to keep our students safe. For more specifics for your student, your student’s teacher and school will send more information. This early notice will allow everyone to make the necessary arrangements for tomorrow. We will continue to monitor the weather, and we will keep you informed through Remind texts and the district website. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. As always, keeping our students and staff safe is our number one priority.
The MGE PTO is sponsoring Marshmallow World, a Christmas shopping experience for students. Each student was given $1.00 from the PTO to spend at the shop. Students may bring up to $5.00 daily to spend until Friday, December 15th. Thank you, PTO!